Our mission

Kranen gefotografeerd in de haven van Antwerpen.
Lucht bestaat uit twee lagen

Tresco believes that the transport of goods and raw materials should not be synonymous with pollution, noise, and traffic jams. There is an alternative, and we are committed to contributing to its use.

Based in the port of Antwerp, we have been providing custom solutions for inland navigation in Europe for more than 25 years. We strive to be a reliable partner for the sector and provide the various actors with the necessary tools and support to make the transport on our waterways safe, efficient, and predictable.

That is why we are developing and selling technological solutions that allow inland navigation to claim its place as a fully-fledged partner in a multimodal logistics chain, adapted to our current economic and ecological realities.

Our team

Evert Bulcke

General Director

Yves Hacha

Co-founder - Product Manager

Jo Jacobs

Co-founder - Cartography

Roel Schroeven

Software Development

Ken Hendrickx


Kris Marysael

Installation + AIS Specialist

Cindy Loncke


Bruno Van De Velde

Software Development

Piet Hadermann

Software Development

Marcel Valkenburg

Installation and Support

David Nuyts


Gérôme De Wilde

Installation and Support

Would you like to join our team?

Send us an e-mail

Customer service


Tresco can provide online support using the TeamViewer program. This allows us to operate your computer remotely and thus provide a fast service. All you need to do is download TeamViewer and give Tresco the ID and code.

Download Teamviewer

Contact & Info

Tresco Engineering bv
Vosseschijnstraat 43 – Haven 140
B-2030 Antwerpen

RPR Antwerpen
BTW BE 453.002.668